Agricultural Justice, Breastfeeding, Environmental Justice, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Parenting, Quality of Life

Should I Be Concerned About Eating Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?

Many people are just now learning about GMOs or Genetically Engineered Organisms with the recent media coverage of the groundbreaking legislation being proposed by concerned California citizens entitled Proposition 37.  Proposition 37, if passed will require food manufacturers to label foods produced with any genetically engineered ingredients.

So what is the big deal with GMOs?  What are they and are they safe?  As well, does their use in our food production and farming systems provide us with more abundance, lower cost, and a solution to hunger, as the corporations who created them have promised?

The reality is that 80-90% of corn, soy and canola crops in this country are GMO.  And nearly 75% of all processed foods have GMO ingredients.  GMOs are organisms, or in this case foods whose DNA have been altered to include the attributes or characteristics of another organism.  For example, the genes from an animal that allow it to survive in cold temperatures may be injected into the DNA of a plant to help it grow in colder climates. The concern lies where there is no evidence that GMOs are safe to consume overtime, and consequently, there is emerging scientific evidence that suggests that the consumption of GMOs can lead to adverse health effects.  A study in France documented cancerous tumors in lab rats who were only fed Monsanto GMO Corn for 1-year.

The consumption of GMOs could be responsible for an increased risk of the following conditions:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders (i.e., Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Cancer
  • Autism
  • Infertility
  • Immune system problems
  • Organ damage

The aforementioned health risks are just a few of the potential health hazards that may be attributed to the consumption of GMO foods.  In addition, GMO crops pose a threat to the health of the environment and agricultural system because they both produce, and require chemical pesticides for cultivation.  In addition, GMO crops interact with natural crop species through contamination, disease transmission and ultimately, plant destruction of the natural plant.  Moreover, there is a real threat concerning farmers who don’t plant GMO crops, as their unadulterated crop species,  that we have relied on for an eternity for nourishment,  is now being threatened by GMO plant pollination and seed infiltration from neighboring GMO farms.  As a result natural crops are vulnerable to extinction, along with nature’s organic pollinators;  insects that include, but not limited to honey bees, and a wide variety of butterflies.  And to add insult to injury, Non-GMO farmers are being sued for the cross pollination of their crops by the invading GMO species.  This is a natural occurrence happening at no fault of their own, with many of them being forced to plant GMO crops by food industry giants resultant from unbalanced legislation.

Below you will find your action plan to learn more, and avoid GMOs:

  1. Eat organic, and be strategic to save money.  Shop at wholesale clubs to save on organics.
  2. Get the Non-GMO Shopping Guide right here.
  3. Get the App to use while shopping.
  4. Buy Non-GMO Project Verified foods.
  5. Eat locally and in season.
  6. Buy organic eggs, milk and butter.
  7. Incorporate milk alternatives like nut, hemp and organic rice milks for good health.
  8. Support Proposition 37, the political movement to label GMOs in our foods.
  9. Begin the healing process and share this information.
  10. Breastfeed.  Non-organic infant formula could be made up of an average of 51% GMO soy.
  11. Support organizations and  politicians who advocate for agricultural justice.

The Institute for Responsible Technology has a webpage with resources for parents. This is a great place to start to learn how you can make a difference to remove GMOs out of the world’s food system.  Agribusiness has spread GMO crops and their scourge to India, Africa and any other place they can impose their will.  Interestingly, they have been rejected by most countries over agricultural, environmental, and the potential health risks posed.  While on the website, checkout and share Genetic Roulette, a very enlightening documentary that highlights the risks associated with GMOs consumption, and the history behind their infiltration into our food system.

I understand that many of us are frustrated to know that we have one more thing to be concerned about as it relates to what we feed our families, and we deserve to know what is in our food so that we can make informed and safe decisions.

Learn more and speak out with your wallet and your VOTE!

Eat to Live!

Stay Healthy and Wise


Ericka L. Abrams, Public Health Practitioner


This information is purely education and is not a substitute for the care and advice of a licensed healthcare provider.